8 Days on Mt. Rainier
Kyle Webster, Tacoma, WA
Just wanted to drop you guys a note while I had the chance. I have been a big fan of your line for a few years now. Back in June of 2005 I did an 8 day solo hike of the Wonderland Trail that encircles Mt. Rainier. The RailRiders Mens Eco-Mesh long sleeve tee was the ONLY shirt I brought with me. It dried in minutes, didn't retain any odor, and look great! In the afternoon of my sixth straight day wearing the shirt, I had my black rain pants on when I was passed a couple of female day hikers. They asked me why I was so dressed up! One of them said I looked good enough to have parked her car. Not bad for a shirt that was "washed" nightly in a stream.
Two weeks later I returned to the mountain for a summit climb and again that Eco-Mesh tee was the shirt I trusted (my climbing partner wore his as well). From blazing hot weather to the first layer in my clothing system..... I will never be hiking or climbing without my Eco-mesh!!!

Amazing Shirts
Ed Johnson - UK
Dear RailRiders, I was reading your Love Letter section and realised that one of the main reasons I truly enjoyed Marathon des Sables race in 2007 was my informed choice of kit, which included my eco-mesh shirt. In fact every one of my tent-members used eco-mesh shirts. We had all been recommended your shirts at a seminar for UK competitors by Luke Cunliffe. I still recall the evening ritual of hanging them up from ten poles to dry. By the end of the week they were stiff as a board, dirty and smelly. But they had done their job and held up incredibly well after 7 days of abuse in the Sahara. I enclose some photos and thanks for your excellent products.

Smell Free in Lake Michigan
Frida Warra, Marquette, MI
My husband, Ron Thorley, and I are avid kayakers living in beautiful Marquette, Michigan, on the south shore of Lake Superior. He has long been a Rail Riders fan and after this last trip on the Hiawatha Water Trail, I can see why. Here he is wearing the same shirt for a week and it NEVER smelled. Wish I could say that for ALL our kayak gear. Now I'm convinced and I'll be wearing RailRiders clothes on our next kayak trip. Thanks for making such durable, comfortable and practical outdoor wear.

Amazing Shirt
DW IVANS - Sourger, TX
I'm a forester and wildland fire fighter for the Big Thicket in East Texas, mostly doing prescribed burning to restore longleaf ecosystems. I try to stay in shape and have a personal goal to run at least 20 miles a week. Well here in East Texas it gets mighty hot and humid in the summer. I was looking for a shirt that would keep me cool, (or should I say not hold in the heat), quick drying, non chafing, and have long sleeves for sun protection. That's allot to ask of one shirt. I got that and more with the Rail Rider's Eco-Mesh Shirt. It looks good and doesn't seem to get stinky. This past September I took my Eco-mesh shirt to Zion Canyon for a 30 day detail where I managed a 4,000 acre wildfire rehab project. I found the shirt to be just as valuable in the arid climate of Southern Utah. Thanks Rail Rider's for making a good product.

J. Schechter - Ortonville, MI
I've been buying your products for several years. Great stuff! Last month I returned from Tanzania and a successful summit of Mt Kilimanjaro. Two items made the summit with me: an eco-mesh shirt (which is now the proud property of one of my favorite porters) and a pair of x-treme adventure pants. The pants were worn every day on the nine day western approach and preformed superbly. Attached are two pics--one showing the shirt and pants above the clouds on the slopes of Kilimanjaro with Mt Meru in the background (and fellow trekker Kelly) The other showing the pants near the summit as we trek slowly past the glaciers.

The Ultimate Sun Shirt
Navy SEAL and adventure racer Dan O'Shea
"The Eco-Mesh shirt is like a second skin during an adventure race, serving as a first line of protection against the sun and the elements. During oppressive jungle humidity the Eco-Mesh protects against insects and during the heat of the midday sun, it acts as a loose fitting, cooling layer of sunscreen. Despite its featherweight construction, it is incredibly durable and resistant to tears from branches or abrasion wear from rocks. Breathable, it does not retain odors and can be worn consecutively for days and nights".

Small World
Steve Chase
Hey John, I know your busy but wanted to relay an incident that happened out our AT Thru-hike last year. Sheila and I hiked into the Muskrat Creek Shelter and the man that was already settled in there asked about our Railrider shirts and also about our sandals (we hike in Chaco sandals). Anyways he said he hiked the Camino de Santiago in Spain in sandals and that he wore the same Ecomeash shirt. Well it turned out that he was John Hussey who is featured in your Railriders Photo galleries and I told him I had seen him on your website and thought he looked familar! What a small world!

Eco-Mesh Shirt
Jason Waicunas, Bloomfield, CT
"In the middle of my Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike, I was trying to dry out my Eco-Mesh shirt by a fire and a few stray embers caught the sleeves on fire. The sleeves were totally gone, while a few stray burn holes were left on the shirt front. So I wound up cutting the sleeves off and making it an "Eco-Mesh Tanktop". I continued wearing it for the rest of the hike--into Oregon and Washington. I still hike in it to this day."--Jason Wacuinas, Pacific Crest Trail thru-hiker

The Gobi Desert Race
Matt Nelson
We have completed a number of Ultras state side but just recently completed the Gobi March - a 150 mile trek across the barren interior of China. We could not have done it without our Eco-Mesh shirts and CWX shorts and tights! Whether we were being whipped by 60 mph winds or cooked by 95 degree sun, the Eco-Mesh shirts did an outstanding job protecting our skin and wicking away the sweat. We were able to stay cool in the heat and they provided just enough protection that, even when the temps dipped into the 30's, we were still warm when we ran. I have worn these shirts in other races and in training, but they took 7 days of solid pressure and held up like a charm - no rips & no wear (we had ~25lb packs on for the race).