Pants over Scooters
Ralph Goeke - Olympia, WA
After 5 faithful years travelling from Seattle across S America and Europe my black Adventure Khakis finally succumbed...not to wear (they still look great!) but to losing an argument with the pavement in Sorrento. I was riding a scooter back to my hotel when a truck pulled out in my path and I had the lay the scooter down or smack into the truck. After sliding along the pavement a few feet I got up to survey the damage- to my clothes. A couple of people stopped to check on me and were laughing that I was more concerned with the two holes that had torn into my pants, than with the condition of the scooter! Thankfully I still had my only other pair of pant at the hotel safely packed. My sand color Adventure Khakis had to do for most of the remaining two weeks in Italy. I'll be placing an order for a new pair today, but wanted to write a note of appreciation for the great products you sell! I have 4 pairs of Adventure Khakis alone, and only pack a pair of sand and black on every trip so I don't have a more than a carryon backpack.
Thanks, Ralph G.